
The aim of this project is to support women to have better chances for social participation considering the different traditional backgrounds as well as the challenges of a changing society.  
Grandmothers-mothers-daughters: an intercultural exchange about female life concepts will show the intergenerational transition of female roles. The potential of cultural heritage and female traditions will be reflected and used to raise self-understanding and self-esteem.
The intention of the partners is to practice forms of intercultural dialogue that include empathy and tolerance, a change of perspective, reduction of prejudices and stereotypes.
The high regard of different female life concepts serves for a better understanding of women living in European countries  - with or without migration background. In intercultural communication the sensitive use of creative art can quickly lead to openness and intimacy. Different educational backgrounds and language barriers are overcome in a non-hierarchic atmosphere. Team teaching at transnational meetings will contribute to the development of new methods of learning in a multicultural context.
The project wants to promote participation of women who are disadvantaged, sometimes isolated from social life. Their (often unknown) life concepts will become visible in an exhibition and can thus be an influence on public awareness.
A vision: “They can play new roles of being a woman on the stage of life.”